Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Early beginnings - Honk! Alice in Wonderland, Winter Shoot, TFP shoot

It's been 7 weeks into 2016 and wow hasnt it been busy!

I was confirmed for a Winter Outdoor Shoot with the lovely Deb & Rahul - out of over 400 applicants i was one of 7 chosen! 

I had a lovely time, it was chilly but sunny in Bushey Park near Hampton Court, the palace where Henry 8th lived. Mum got some lovely pictures, all very natural she said. 

A couple of weeks after that I was offered a TFP (this stands for Time for Prints; it is a way of having experience in front of the camera and some free copies of the pictures too.) by Elizabeth Griffiths. Mum always asks me if I want to do photo shoots as I prefer acting but I am getting to enjoy them as i see it as a way of acting too ;-)

Mum had organised for this shoot to be done with my friend Jen - her & her mum came all the way from Nottingham so we could have a shoot together. We are so different Jen & me, here is a picture that we were given

We had great fun, we are like twinnies as we are both the same age, height and crazy as each other. Mum got on lovely with Jen's mum and we all went for lunch after the pictures.

It is now half term, and I am really busy - EVERY night!! - rehearsing ready for Thursday, Fri, SAt performances of HONK! with Hitchin Thespians. I am Maureen the Moorhen.

As well as that, I am currently studying LAMDA in Communication and also Musical Theatre. It's good to learn about the songs, lyrics and verse and prose. I'm doing all this with the top Hat Stage School guys, Andy & Warren. They are really kind and help me out lots. I've only got 5 weeks left til exam time.

In January, I also attended an open audition at Gordon Craig Theatre to be part of the junior ensemble for Easter Show - alice in wonderland. Mum didnt think i would get in - but i did!!! hurray, so did my friends Molly & Olivia but we are in different groups.

I begin rehearsals for this easter show on 12th March, so busy!

I also had an audition with a lovely director called Talitha for a short film, but was pipped at the post. I was also given an audition time for another short but wasn't feeling very well so I didn't attend :-(.

To top the beginning of the year off, i have been renewed in representation by the wonderful Daisy & Dukes! I hope i do them and my family proud by getting some awesome opportunities...here's to 2016!

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Happy New Year - welcome to 2016

I had an awesome Christmas, i got lots of nice things and had lots of people round and ate lots of food...I really dont want to go back to school, but i go back as an ambassador so it should be fun and I get to go to Harry Potter World on Friday with school.

I had some really sad news though, Staveley Theatre Academy has closed and will not be opening. I'm still really upset about it, I loved going and Gemma was just so awesome. We did so well at the West End Concert. I think i'm going to look at some other saturday theatre schools, but mum says I need a break and will take time to find something good that i will love. :-( :-(

Still, im hoping that I will get some more acting on tv or films as i really enjoy that. I've got a model shoot some time in January and mum said another photographer that does fine art pictures has mentioned she would like to shoot me too. I like shoots that i can act in, like with Rebecca Challis and even with Lisa Visser pictures. Blue steel pose ha ha ha.

So, we all saw me and the others in Further Adventures of Professor Branestawm - on BBC1 on Christmas Eve at 5:20pm.  Not one of my family like Harry Hill, but they all watched it just to see me. Thank goodness I was in it quite a bit! It was brilliant to see it all, as it then made sense, i didnt understand the old lady at the end that came into the hall, but now ive seen the whole thing, i get it!

Here are some pictures mum took when freezed the screen.