Monday, August 11, 2014

LAMDA Result - oh yeah!

I performed :

Woody Allens God At Play as The Actor
Toms Modnight Garden as Hattie

Self-Tape & more self-tape

I was asked to self tape for a short horror which I really enjoyed, mum said there were moments that I really spooked her with my eyes - I made them really big and then tried to look angry & evil. We sent that off to the writer/director and then went on holiday with the family camping in  Hampshire - I really enjoyed it as I went horse riding every day I went on Katie and Eddy. On the last day I went out for a trek on Sindy I would really really like to keep riding now I'm home - hint hint mum!

During the hol mum got an email from Bonnie about another self tape. I stressed a bit as I couldn't get the lines until we got home on Saturday but actually there wasn't too many to learn and the character description really sounded like me mum & dad said. I thought of all the Jessie episodes and went for it. We did three takes and then mum picked the best. Hope it's of some interest I think the CD has been through America and not found the right kids so is looking in England - good for us!! 

I was upset about taping but mum said it's better to be asked to tape than go down to London and audition with hundreds of others. 

Fingers x again!   

Friday, August 1, 2014

Bugsy Malone - rare productions

Well I've managed to do it again!! I auditioned for BM after doing Wiz of Oz but wasn't sure if I would be lucky to get cast and really didn't just want to be ensemble again. 

But I  got a yes letter really quick and I'm in Fat Sams Gang, hope there's not too many of us. Am pleased that Molly P will be in it too as I won't see her on Sundays anymore.

We start rehearsing at the end of August with the show in November - should be good fun.

Faby and Carlo photoshoot

So, mum & I went to Cornwall camping for 5 days and it was great! We went body surfing everyday and we had some really tasty ice creams 😄 it was sunny all the time.

Yesterday, we went to Battersea and the first thing I saw was a sign for a dog and cat home I really wanted to go but mum said it would be really sad going and seeing all the doggies and cattys and not being able to take them all home. Which I kinda got.

We walked to Faby & Carlos place for a mum & daughter photoshoot. They were lovely and has 2 cats, the grey one was lovely and kept coming to me even tho it was the shyest one.

Mum got her make up and hair done and then I did by a really nice lady called Claudette a MUA make up artist. We looked lovely, mum was really pleased as she never puts makeup on like that.

We then went into a lovely white room and had lots of pics taken by Faby and her husband Carlo. They work as a team and only use natural light.

I really enjoyed it, they made me laugh and I was teasing mum as she was really nervous. 

They were really good at telling me what they wanted and I can't wait to see the pics.