Saturday, March 22, 2014

Photo updates with Emma Tunbridge for Bonnie & Betty

Went to Clapham today to have some photos done for my webpage with my agency Bonnie&Betty.

Along the way we had to get a bus as the stations weren't open but it worked out ok :-)

Bella the doggy was at the studio and I met a nice girl called Daisy and Kiwani and her mum. Bonnie and Chloe and Cat was there with the photographer Emma.

I enjoyed my session and saw some of the pictures. Emma said I had nice hair and long eyelashes. I had to wear jeans and I didn't like wearing jeans but I tried on loads of different ones and chose 2 pairs, blue and black and they are skinny.  I had to wear 2 tops black and grey.

Nice day out :-)

Mum said she wasn't going to buy the set this time as i had photos with Mark recently, but she said the pictures that BoBe chose for the website are really nice and show me in all my natural glory...?

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Little Shop of Horrors

I got a postcard from Top Hat announcing a audition for choir in Little Shop of Horrors.

I hadn't seen the musical so I watched it last night with the family. It was brilliant and I love Suddenly Seymour!

Now I've seen it I would just LOVE to be in it but not just the choir, I'd like to be on the stage as main. 

And today as EDSA as I was going for the break I heard the little ones singing  little shop, I asked if we would be singing anything from it but they don't think so.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Casting for Cereal Ad

I've only been live with BoBe since 20th Feb and on Tuesday 4th March I went to London with dad to the Spotlight studios for a cereal commercial.

It was fun but I didn't get called back this time. 

Nevermind I'm sure I'll get plenty more chances in the future.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

James and the Giant Peach Performance Dates

The days I will be performing in JAMES & THE GIANT PEACH at Gordon Craig Theatre, Stevenage are:

Wednesday 16th April : 19:00hrs
Friday 18th April : 13:30 & 16:30hrs
Saturday 19th April : 18:00hrs
Sunday 20th April :13:30hrs