Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Confirmed! James & Giant Peach

Catherine Lomax called to let me know I'm in the Easter Show at Gordon Craig Theatre, it's Roald Dahl James & Giant Peach.

Mum got a huge pack of papers to fill in and I've seen the rehearsal schedule & performance.

Wow!! It's going to be really tough but I am going to love it :-)

Sunday, February 23, 2014

James & Giant Peach Audition

Up early today and to the Gordon Craig Theatre, auditioning for James & Giant Peach.

I really didn't feel very well but I wanted to try.

I saw a few people I knew, from Rare Oliver, EDSA.

The show is on over Easter. 5 days 10 shows. 

We should hear by end of the week. 

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

New Pictures with Mark

On Saturday 8th February I had a photo-shoot with the lovely Mark Bruce.

Mum really likes his pictures and I think he is funny and he makes me laugh. I had 4 sets of clothes to change into and spent about an hour posing and changing position. 

Mark is super fast in getting the photo's ready and my poor mum had to look through over 170 to choose just a handful. I let her do that as i think they all looked great ha ha.

She chose about 6 - although in this one i look a bit grumpy - but i wasn't! Mum says its a nice shot.

I hope the new pictures will help casting directors get an idea of me and ask me for auditions.

I'm all BoBe with a touch of class....

Model Agency - Bonnie & BettyGreat news! Mum received an email from Chloe at Bonnie & Betty saying they were delighted to accept me onto their books. 
Mad Fish were very gracious and allowed me to leave immediately as there was no outstanding work with them. 

I had to get all my paperwork ready - so a visit to the Drs', a quick meeting with Mr John my headteacher, photo's in the booth (which was fun) and its all been sent off.

Chloe says they are very busy at the moment working on 3 films (!) but it wont be long before my webpage is up and running and they have taken over my account on Spotlight too. 

I'm very excited and hope to hear from them very soon. Fingers x

Friday, February 7, 2014

And it's all change....

It's been a very busy couple of weeks!

First Sarah from MFM called saying I had a casting for a charity TV commercial. Though mum wasn't sure if I should do it as she didn't like the content or something. My nan took me to London- and got us lost!!

Still we got there on time and I had to play pat-A-cake with a lad and sat nasty things to him at the time.

Anyway, I didn't hear anything from that one.

Two days later, Thursday 30 Jan, I was in London again and as we were early, got to look around china town as it's their New Years. We had a Costa and played chess too. (I won)

Then I went to the Spotlight studios which was exciting and met some other girls that were going to be assessed for a place on the books of Bonnie & Betty!!!

I went in fourth and had to perform my monologue which my dad found for me & I had been practising for 2 weeks. 

Then a group of us went in and played some acting games, I really enjoyed myself.

Chloe from BB said our mums would know if we got in by email in 5 days.